We are available for consultations on the following subjects:
Dance coaching:

We offer consultation services tailored to your unique needs as a dancer, regardless of your preferred style. Our approach focuses on your overall progression as a dancer. We work with you to establish both short-term and long-term goals and discuss various training methods, including physical, and creative training. For an additional fee, we can create a 16-week training program that is customised to your goals and training schedule. In-person private lessons are also available upon request - prices may vary.
Early-career planning for dancers:

We offer consultation services for individuals in the early stages of their dance career or those considering pursuing a career as a dancer. We work with you to determine your aims and objectives and create both short-term and long-term goals. Our consultation also includes a discussion of the realities of being a freelance creative, including income, budgeting, self-investment, and training.

Podcast production & development:

This consultation covers both audio and video podcast production and looks at technical requirements, recording, editing, scheduling, hosting, and promotion.
We can also discuss podcast content, finding your niche, and hosting and interviewing tips.

This consultation can also be purchased in combination with our podcast services.
(For more information, please see our Services page.)

Event planning & management:

We provide event planning and management services for those looking to organise an event that caters to the dance community. Our consultation will assess your concept, plan, and marketing strategy to determine the most effective approach to appeal to your target audience. Additionally, we offer advice and recommendations on the best professionals to hire in order to bring your vision to life. This consultation can also be purchased in combination with our media partnership services.
(For more information, please see our Services page.)

Starting as a photographer/videographer:

We offer consultation services for those interested in pursuing photography or filming as a hobby or profession. Our consultation covers the necessary equipment and where to purchase it, as well as how to start your research and education into the craft. We also provide guidance on how to get the best results from your camera once you have acquired the necessary equipment. In addition to our consultation services, we also offer in-person lessons that include teaching the basics, hands-on shooting practice, and live feedback on your work.

Dance-specific photography/videography:

For those interested in photography and filming specifically for dance, we offer a consultation tailored to beginners or professionals looking to switch lanes. Our consultation will cover the best ways to capture dance in various contexts, including creative and satisfying ways to shoot dancers. We will also review footage of dancers and discuss what to expect when working with them.
All consultations will take place on Zoom/Teams and will be priced at the following rates:
1 hour - £50
2 hours - £75
3 hours - £100

-Multi-hour purchases can be used in one slot, or split into multiple one-hour sessions.
-In-person consultations/private lessons are available upon request, prices may differ from the above.

We offer a pay-what-you-can option on a case-by-case basis for those unable to afford full fees. Availability is limited, and acceptance is based on individual circumstances.

Consultations will be conducted with The Capsule's Founder, Luke Lentes. Requests for consultations with other professionals are available upon inquiry.

For more information, to request a quote, or to collaborate with us, please contact us through our website's contact page or email us at thecapsuleldn@outlook.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
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